學生 : 王志明
Write-up 1

Description: What’s going on in this picture? (Please describe in details about themes of landscape or character, light, shape, color, brightness or texture.),

Analysis: What do you see that makes you say that? (Is it size, shape, focus, texture, line, space, unity, balance, movement, contrast, pattern, color tone, proportion/size or the relationship among them?)

Interpretation: What message did the author would like to share through this painting? How did you feel after appreciating this painting?

Judgment: What is your opinion about this painting? Does it achieve in expressing its message?

畫作名稱 : He isn’t heavy; he is my brother

I named this painting “He isn’t heavy; he is my brother”.
What is the first thing you see when looking at this painting? The brightness in the center?
What else? And then you see people? How do you feel? Pitiful? Do you think that the brother in this painting has passed away? Right? I don’t know whether he has passed away? I think he is probably really sick or that his older brother is holding him in his arm, gently leaning against his face? Right? And there is a monk to the left of the painting. He is praying for him.
The composition of this painting is a triangular composition.
Triangular composition is commonly used in painting.
This is because, like an equilateral triangle, it has a stabilizing effect.
Thus, triangular composition is a very important composition.
Just like this painting is painted in surrealism. In other words, it means what we cannot see in reality.
The most famous of surrealism are artists like Dalí and René Magritte.
The clouds in this painting are painted really low.
Besides triangular composition, this composition includes circular composition.
The majority of colors used in this painting are green, light green, grayish-green, dark green.
And the little monk on the left is in reddish-orange.
Red and green in chromatics are contrasting colors.
Just like a little red among thousands of green bushes.
The reason why you can see that bit of red is because of the green all around it.
Thus, the use of contrasting colors in painting is very common, in order to make the brightness of the white more prominent.
The older brother on the right is holding his younger brother.
Whether this younger brother is seriously ill or has passed away, when you look at the expression of the older brother, you’ll notice that there is no sign of sorrow.
This is because they are suffering refugees.
Thus, if this younger brother really passed away, the older brother probably felt that it is better for him than living in this world of sufferings.
Actually, this composition is very similar to The Pietà sculpture by Michelangelo, housed in the St. Peter's Basilica. Look at the moment when Mother Mary carried Jesus down from the cross. She also does not appear to be in deep sorrow. Similarly, she wears a faint expression.
This is because she probably knew that Jesus is leaving this world of sufferings.
Thus, the image in this painting has a different approach but equally satisfactory results as The Pietà sculpture.
The main thing that this painting conveys is that a child’s heart is the purest.
We are all the same. Our intention at the moment of our birth is the purest.
We grow up with time, and with that, our pure intentions disappear.
This little novice monk is from Thailand.
These suffering brothers are refugees from Myanmar.
Though they have different nationalities and different boundaries, this little novice monk is still willing to pray for these suffering brothers.
This also tells us that we need to keep that pure intention in our heart.
We also need to have empathy and love.
In this way, this world can be made complete.
Finally, this entire color of white resembles a circular composition.
Thus, this painting mainly expresses that we, as humans, should live in peace.